إبدأ معنا التعلم من خلال الدروس الإفتراضية

Emicrolearn LMS عبارة عن نظام أساسي تعليمي كامل الميزات يساعد المدربين على إنشاء ونشر دورات فيديو وفصول مباشرة ودورات نصية وكسب المال ، ويساعد الطلاب على التعلم بأسهل طريقة.

منصة خدمات تعليمية إلكترونية متكاملة


تعلم مع الكتب التفاعلية

وإليك كيف يعمل

معلمين ماهرين

ابدأ التعلم مع معلمين محترفين.

طلاب سعداء

منضمين لفصولنا ومستمتعين بالتعلم.

الحصص المباشرة

نمي مهاراتك بأفضل طرق التعلم.

جرب الدرس المجاني

ابدأ التعلم في أي مكان وفي أي وقت ...

استخدم LMS للوصول إلى مواد تعليمية عالية الجودة دون أي قيود وبأسهل طريقة.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard

Find the perfect tutor for your needs and interests.

Pets Wellness Grooming

احجز الآن #

Find the perfect tutor for your needs and interests.

Pets Wellness Grooming

احجز الآن #

Find the perfect tutor for your needs and interests.

Pets Wellness Grooming

احجز الآن #

Find the perfect tutor for your needs and interests.

Pets Wellnes

احجز الآن #

Find the perfect tutor for your needs and interests.

Pets Wellness Grooming

احجز الآن #


تعلم مع افضل المعلمين

سامي احمد

Master Certified Coach

شيماء محمود

Network Technician at Cisco

احمد مصطفى

IT Director at Cognizant

ريهام محمد

Computer Engineer at Oracle

ايه محمد

IT Technician at IBM

نرمين احمد

System Administrator at Amazon

حنان محمود

Data Analyst at Microsoft

اقرأ الأسئلة الشائعة

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

All of the exercise files could be downloaded from the content tab on the course page.

Yes, you can reserve a 1 to 1 meeting with the instructor using the instructor profile.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

All of the exercise files could be downloaded from the content tab on the course page.

Yes, you can reserve a 1 to 1 meeting with the instructor using the instructor profile.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

Yes, you can reserve a 1 to 1 meeting with the instructor using the instructor profile.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

Yes, you can reserve a 1 to 1 meeting with the instructor using the instructor profile.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

Yes, you can reserve a 1 to 1 meeting with the instructor using the instructor profile.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

Yes, you can reserve a 1 to 1 meeting with the instructor using the instructor profile.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

Yes, you can reserve a 1 to 1 meeting with the instructor using the instructor profile.

This is a course for beginners so you will get familiar with the topic from scratch.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

Yes, you can get in touch with the instructor using the support system.

You will receive a notification after each update is released so you can download updated files from the course page.

All of the exercise files could be downloaded from the content tab on the course page.

ابحث عن الموضوعات التي تناسبك أكثر

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing industry.Lorem Ipsum has been the


Abdul Jabbaar el-Kaleel

Abdul Jabbaar el-Kaleel

محلل بيانات في مايكروسوفت

"لقد استخدمنا Emicrolearn LMS خلال العامين الماضيين. شكرًا على الخدمة الرائعة."

Khaleela el-Alam

Khaleela el-Alam

مسؤول النظام في أمازون

"نحن نحبها. Emicrolearn LMS مثالي وقابل للتكيف بشكل كبير."

Sakeena el-Shad

Sakeena el-Shad

فني تكنولوجيا المعلومات في شركة آی بی ام

"أنا راضٍ حقًا عن Emicrolearn LMS. إنه الحل الأمثل لأعمالنا."

Rifat el-Younis

Rifat el-Younis

مهندس كمبيوتر

"أنا مسرور جدًا بهذا المنتج. لم أستطع طلب أكثر من هذا."

Ahmed al-Mansouri

Ahmed al-Mansouri

فني شبكات في سيسكو

"لقد أبهرني صاروخ Emicrolearn LMS على مستويات متعددة."

اعثر على أفضل مدرب

حان الوقت للتوقف عن القراءة والبدء في التعلم.

الباحث عن المعلم
اعثر على أفضل مدرب